OMG I just randomly remembered my password to this old account and I’ve never been more happy!! I miss this account
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OMG I just randomly remembered my password to this old account and I’ve never been more happy!! I miss this account
OMG I just randomly remembered my password to this old account and I’ve never been more happy!! I miss this account
I’m going to my new school for the first time tomorrow- IM SO SCARED
Graduated that same highschool 2 months ago, 4 year update* Traumatizing experience, met some of the most fakest people ever. Super toxic and sad environment
I straight up just texted my crush and said “so when’s the wedding?”....WHY DID I DO THAT!?! OMFG SJNDNX
@_rapmon_hyung_im not smart, I’m just super honest- and Like they take everything I say as a joke, cuz I’m that one person who is flirty as a joke..
@bangpdmysugardaddy that is hilarious, you are brave I wouldn't ever be able to tell something like that to my crush (if I had any)
hii i came across your account by accident but happy belated birthday to you!!
YO! Your bitçh just turned 15! AYYYY! And none of my friends remembered.... Shout out to my history teacher for that happy bday email though, ;-;
Wattpad is gonna be down!? I just saw the announcement Omg that’s gonna be the hardest 3 hours of my life (It’s gonna be down November 17 from 4Am-6Am EST)
@mochibabiJ oh mines PST so it’s 1Am-3Am Guess I won’t stay up binge reading Wattpad stories lol
More bad news :( Well one good news is that biden won! That’s some good news For the POC and lgbt community But Bad news my great grandma is dying I want to go to Mexico real quick to say my goodbyes but the Trip will take me at least 3 days and My uncles tell me that she won’t last for long She was my literal Best friend She was the only one who took care of me when I was a baby, I would sneak out of my Aunts house and go to her house All the time Just so she would feed me :(
@bangpdmysugardaddy I am so sorry to hear that darling. I really am. I wish you could go see her, she means a lot to you. Please stay strong and safe. ❤️if you ever need someone to talk to My Mb and PMs are open for you
My ex posted in his story “Emo girls be like kill all men But you can’t even kill you self” My suicidal self is crying rn. To think we had a fight because I was defending the kill all men2020 thing, I even thought i taught him something and that maybe he learned. But I was so wrong So so wrong
Bts just appeared in my Mexican tv show, not like the guys, but THEY MENTIONED THEM! They even showed like a minute of the dynamite mv, I screamed so loud my grandpa looked concerned
@bangpdmysugardaddy ahhh okay then it probably was. Well I’m glad that they talked about BTS!!!
@Ayumi26RGA idk I was eating breakfast before class And suddenly I heard dynamite I tuned and the news report was taking In Spanish about bts and the records they broke I just know it was probably a morning show
There goes my mom blaming me for sh*t I didn’t even know until now Typical Blaming me for something her as a parent a parent is responsible for. Not even gonna mention how she Blames me and guilt trips me about not living with her And Makes me feel like such a sh*ty daughter But I can’t say a word about how she abandoned me when I was literally months olds just to later on make me move in with her, just to cause me trauma up to the point where I have nightmares and panic attacks Sorry babe if I were you I wouldn’t be talking Hypocrite.
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