does anyone know the book where Y/N creates Jimin as a robot with all these functions where he can help her in her daily life (i think) and just a companion in general but she ends up falling in love with him but he’s a robot so they can’t be together (???) and in the second book (i think??? or it could be in the same one) they find someone who looks similar to robot Jimin so they implant all of his memories (Jimin’s memories, not the human) into that human dude and the next day (or later on) he wakes up and Jimin and Y/N live happily ever after please tell me someone knows this book. i’ve been trying to find it for a good hour or so and it’s really annoying me since i can’t remember the title of it.

and like in the summary of one of the books, there’s dialogue that goes something like this (not word for word since i can’t remember it exactly by i think it’s close enough): “Jimin no don’t drink tha-” “EVIL DRINK (or juice or liquid)” it’s mentioned cause like the couple go out to the cinema and Robot Jimin orders some coke for Y/N but he wanted to see what it tastes like so he takes a sip but his systems malfunction or something and he collapses so that’s why he dubbed coke as evil liquid/juice/drink