Hello everyone, I am currently on hiatus but I would like to spread awareness to something. The asian hate is worsening and worsening. But what are people doing? Nothing. As an asian myself, I can see how much disrespect there is in society. With BLM many people did so many things to spread awareness, but why is it that with us Asians, nothing's happening? I've seen too many videos online showing how much Asian people are being disrespected. One showed a girl being bullied and harassed because of being Asian. Another of a British tiktoker crying and talking about how gum was spat on him because of being Asian. There are many asian people talking about how they are called coronavirus because they are Asian. Yes it came from an Asian country, but does that mean every Asian person has it? And if you guys like kpop, anime, or anything that may be Asian, please do not ignore this. I have to go back to school physically very soon, and I am in fear because of this. I am scared me and my friends will be called and treated badly because of our race. Stop racism, stop discrimination and stop Asian hate crimes. A filipino man was slashed, an Asian man was pushed, people were killed. We NEED TO STOP THIS. It isn't right!