
New book will be published on the 2nd of August, so in 29 minutes :)


Hi! I am a Polish translator. I've read your books "Forever together against the world", "Love full of secrets (part 1 and part 2)" and i absolutely love them! That's why, I'm asking, can I translate tthem to Polish? I'll add an information, that they're your books and I'm just translating them.  Ofc I'll understand, if you don't give me a permission to translate, but I think, that many Polish readers will enjoy your stories :)


@bankxbarca_blaze okaaay, I'll wait for you're message, but I have a question, why you don't allow me to translate it ??


@misiawriter maybe one day I will chance my mind, I’m just really busy yk and I also still have to write chapters for the second Book. Soo maybee when it’s done I will contact you, but I’m not sure yet :)) but again I really appreciate it!


@misiawriter no no it’s okay! I really appreciate it, but thank you :) 


Hé hé sorry voor weinig post maar toetsweek begint bijna vandaag in de avond komt er een deel online! En elke zondag komt er een deel. volgende week dus denk ik de laatste, want dan is de echte finale finale van het boek waarschijnlijk. Maar eh dat dus
          Joe Joe! ❤️