heyy wtas up ppl this is yesmine
and for so long i been reading alot of storys on here && fanning alot of ppl hahah
ii even made a few of myself but there were not all that good but i jsu made a new one i wanna know wat yu guy think and if i shoud keep writing or jus giv up all together well the new story id kalled badassin love with what?? haha
but ppl plsz read it vote and comment i wanna kno wat yu think
hey KAlii
thanks for becoming my fan it really means alot
i hope you continue to read my story, which i should be uploading this weekend ;)))).... when i've written it because i haven't started yet.... haha.
also if you have any ideas feel free to message them to me!
Laurie Xx
heyy wtas up ppl this is yesmine
and for so long i been reading alot of storys on here && fanning alot of ppl hahah
ii even made a few of myself but there were not all that good but i jsu made a new one i wanna know wat yu guy think and if i shoud keep writing or jus giv up all together well the new story id kalled badassin love with what?? haha
but ppl plsz read it vote and comment i wanna kno wat yu think
thanks. it is kinda sad...it might even get more sad. I'm not sure yet. It's my first story. I might upload later today and tomorrow. It depends if i get a idea.