I know I've been gone for ages. I just haven't had the motivation to write given that my mental health is at a pretty unstable level at the moment. I'm doing my best to work through it but unfortunately that means I get less time on Wattpad, so I'm really sorry that I kept you guys waiting, and I'm terribly sorry for any inconveniences it may have caused (if there are any).
Anyways, that doesn't mean I'm going to be leaving Wattpad. I'll probably return sometime in the future (certainly not now though), and I promise I'll be writing again soon.
So much has happened in the past few months and a lot of it has been quite a burden on me. I'm figuring things out and am trying to live my life to the fullest despite these complications.
The few months I spent writing for you guys really was a blast, and I can't wait before I fully return!
In case you guys want any updates on what may be going on in my life (if you're interested), I recently discovered I was demi-bisexual and I'm really glad I found myself. I'm now dating the most amazing girl ever, and I can't be happier. My parents have been giving me a pretty tough time though, and I'm struggling to keep up with all my schoolwork, but like I mentioned earlier, I'm finding a way to work through it.
I don't check Wattpad very often, so if ever you want to contact me, you can hit me up through Discord. My tag is izzyy#3959 and I'm usually online so I doubt I'd be missing anyone.
Thanks for all the support. Even though it isn't much, I really, really appreciate it, and can't ask for more. Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff.
- yours truly