
          	I promise I didn’t forget about you all. I’ve mulled it over and my main interest right now is writing my sci-fi/fantasy novel (or maybe series). I kept trying to write the fan fiction and just couldn’t commit to it, at least not right now. I’m sort of taking a break all together from writing, I’ll get bursts of ideas sometimes and go on a little writing binge, and then stop. So for now, I’ll have my publishing on a pause, and instead focus on what makes me happy. Look forward to updates in the future, I’ll keep you all updated!


          I promise I didn’t forget about you all. I’ve mulled it over and my main interest right now is writing my sci-fi/fantasy novel (or maybe series). I kept trying to write the fan fiction and just couldn’t commit to it, at least not right now. I’m sort of taking a break all together from writing, I’ll get bursts of ideas sometimes and go on a little writing binge, and then stop. So for now, I’ll have my publishing on a pause, and instead focus on what makes me happy. Look forward to updates in the future, I’ll keep you all updated!


Hey all
          So I ended up having a longer night out than intended. Long story, but I took my roommate to the ER, meaning I didn’t have time to finish revising Chapter 3. I’m going to make an executive decision and decide to post next Friday (possibly earlier) just to give myself enough time. Changing it to biweekly is going to be a thing now so I don’t have to rush; I want to make writing enjoyable still and not worry about a deadline.
          I’m sorry if any of you were looking forward to the update, but I’ll have it for you next week! Until then~


Hello all~
          Happy Friday; I’ll be posting chapter 3 a bit later this time, possibly early tomorrow even. I have been struggling to create a better, more interesting plot....the issue is, I was rereading some of my old drafts and found a couple that I really want to start up again. I don’t want to start another book until I finish writing this one though, so I’ve been struggling with a slight writers block. I digress, I’ll have the chapter up a bit later, I may change it to update every other Friday instead, but I’ll keep you all updated.


          So, I scratched the whole entire book, or at least unpublished it so I can work on it properly for now. I’ll be re-releasing chapters hopefully once a week, if not more if I go on a writing binge lol.
          Again, for those who have stayed with me and are still active here, thank you for your patience and support! Hopefully this revised version will garner more support so I can start writing more seriously as a career.
          Stay tuned, and thank you again!


Hello all~ 
          It’s been awhile and know a lot of you may not be on here anymore or interested ,  but I am back and currently editing ‘A Survival Guide’ but I am changing it to a Harry Styles fanfic, which my excite or disappoint some people. For those who are still here with me, please stay tuned! 
          I will be going back periodically to fix any grammar errors, but I currently have Chapters 1 and 2 edited, you’ll notice I added an *EDITED* or any *EDITING* next to the chapter I have revised or am currently revising.  Thank you for your support and I hope you continue on this journey with me! 
          *looking back on the chapters makes me kind of cringe, my writing has improved tenfold since then yikes  *
          -Ash (Myasha)


Hello all, I am just letting you all know that I am currently active, just offline most of the time.  I am currently working on some new things, can't say for sure when it will be out, but I just wanted to let you all know.  I also STOPPED editing A Survival Guide and instead, I am making a REVAMPED version of it, with a whole new story line and better plot and other things.  I MAY end up changing The Wanted to 5 Seconds of Summer as well.  Just wanted to give you all an update.  Hope you all have been well xx.


Hey guys, sorry for being such a flake.  I just haven't really been feeling like writing lately and haven't being feeling well.  I may come on and write here and there, but I won't make any promises as to when things will be released.  I hate that I haven't been able to write and interact with you all as I did before and hopefully I can get out of this slump soon and start writing again.  I hope everyone had a good Christmas or Hanukkah or what ever you celebrate and a Happy New Year.  