
hey wattpad... its been a while


I miss you every single day ): I've tried texting you but I don't think you got my messages and I wonder if you just got a new phone. But anyway, I hope life's treating you well and that you're having a good time doing whatever you're doing. I love you. ):


this message may be offensive
fuck you and fuck you for letting me believe you loved me. you say you're sorry and then you go around saying you're not. you're a fucking liar and I should have seen it coming. maybe I was just stupid enough to think you cared enough about me not try your best not to fuck it up, not to give me the worst night of my life, make my anxiety so bad that I'm throwing up all fucking night. and then, sobbing, you ask me to fucking take you back. and like an idiot, I do. you just care about yourself. no fucking wonder you tell me people don't love you. I feel fucking bad for the next girl to cross your path, God damn. you are dangerous and I hate you for letting me love you. because I fell in love and now you're gone. fuck you, Adam. fuck you. I'm mad as hell at you, but I'm even more mad at myself for falling. I hope you're happy.


Mikey do you agree that I also never swear?
          My irl fren Josh doesn't believe I don't swear on the Internet.


@anathemajoseph hehe das so cute ^^' but yeah omg I'm pretty sure I've never heard you swear man


It's like very rare when I swear like only when it's necessary.Josh says I'm too innocent and smol to swear XD


@anathemajoseph Tyler, I don't think I've ever heard you swear lol. Like you've literally never said a bad word and it is amazing I don't know how you do it xD