Hey guys! I know I've been gone a looooooonnnggg time! Thought i would say hi and give a bit of an update! So HI! Unfortunately I haven't been able to work on TWLOTW (for those of you who don't know I had a book called The Weird Life Of Tina Waters which I unpublished quite a few months back) because of life changing things! First of all I moved schools! So imagine a private school to a state school! Biiiiggg change! So I had a lot of catching up from what I missed in the year and I've been a bit ill. Also I've been reading a lot of books to kinda help with my writing. So yeah! Maybe the only one life changing thing. Hehe. :) I'm so so so SORRY! I will try my best to at least sort out my book in these easter holidays, but no promises! Again I'm SO SORRRRRRYYYYYY!
- Bash5403