
Welp.. I’m back to writing!  again..


hey yall! yours truly... yes, yes i know. im terrible for leaving my stories and not writing in... well.. a long time. ;) am finally able to start taking a look into my works and resuming stories!!! YAY!!! XD so which stories are you're guys' faves? that way ill know what to start on first. thanks!


I really love all  things about you your stories everything :) and even your simple username :) .... xx


@fearsparkling  thanks for reading my stories :) sorry that theyre all a bit... dark? haha and sorry for not being on very much. i never get on a computer, so i didnt see this message till now.. oops. 0.0... hope you haven't forgotten this weirdo writer! ;) what story is your favorite? im stuck on writing... gah!


Ok, people. Here's the deal. I got rid of 'A New World" because I was getting absolutely nowhere with that story. Sorry if you liked it, but it was just a pain in the neck. It's been pretty crazy round here with school, church, 4h, family, and friends. I have 0 time to do anything anymore. I have a few draft chapters I'm preparing for publish on The Magic Sign and Beauty and the Beast, but it might be awhile till I can get anything done. Sorry, but I'm trying! Love all my fans!!! thanks so much guys!


By the way its no longer Emeraldpoet