
Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating for a while . . . I don’t actually know if I’ll be able to upload much this year and next year until school ends :/. I’m taking a lot of classes, and the workload may become very intense. Also, I’m taking this class called ESP (English Scholars Program), which allows you to independently write short stories, novels, poems, etc. I think I’ll continue writing one of my stories (Sunrise Cafe, the first ever story I wrote) in that class, so be ready by the end of next summer to see my work :). I’ll still upload, it’s just that my uploads will probably be less frequent (it’s not like my upload schedule isn’t frequent already -_-). But I still hope to keep uploading! 
          	Thanks for reading!
          	P.S. Thanks for more than 300 views on my short story collection! I know that doens’t sound like much, but it is a lot to me. Thanks for all the reads!


Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating for a while . . . I don’t actually know if I’ll be able to upload much this year and next year until school ends :/. I’m taking a lot of classes, and the workload may become very intense. Also, I’m taking this class called ESP (English Scholars Program), which allows you to independently write short stories, novels, poems, etc. I think I’ll continue writing one of my stories (Sunrise Cafe, the first ever story I wrote) in that class, so be ready by the end of next summer to see my work :). I’ll still upload, it’s just that my uploads will probably be less frequent (it’s not like my upload schedule isn’t frequent already -_-). But I still hope to keep uploading! 
          Thanks for reading!
          P.S. Thanks for more than 300 views on my short story collection! I know that doens’t sound like much, but it is a lot to me. Thanks for all the reads!


Hey guys! So . . . I think How To Connect is going back into the story compost pile. I liked the idea at first, but now it just seems so . . . plain. And I mean, it’s cliche too (well, it’s not like all my stories aren’t cliche). I actually have another story titled Evergreen (it’s coming soon). I want to keep this announcement short and sweet, so I’ll just end it here.
          Thanks for reading!
          P.S. If you couldn’t tell, I’m a gay guy. Just saying :).


Hello everyone! So I have a change in plans . . . I will not be writing Renwood Cabin. I know, I know, I’m very unstable with my ideas, but even though I do have the beginning and ending planned out, the middle will just be too boring (I mean, Rin and Shon will be stuck in a cabin with nothing to do). But I do have another story that is more on the fantasy side (with romance of course). The title is ‘Til Life Does Us Part. I was playing around with the marriage phrase ‘Til Death Does Us Part when I came up with the idea. I won’t post the summary here because there’s a lot to explain, but there’s definitely more to work with in this story. I hope I’ll at least pull through with this one!
          Thanks for reading!
          P.S. I never really expect people to vote on my stories, but a few have, and all I have to say is thank you! I always end author notes at the ends of chapters/parts of stories by asking readers to vote and comment, but I don’t really expect people to. So thank you!


Hey guys! I’m back from my short hiatus, and I’m (almost) ready to write. I’ve thought about my stories for a bit, and I might be returning them to the unpublished story compost pile. I’ll still have them, so I might return to them someday. I’m thinking about continuing Wrong Number Lovers, so look forward to that (actually don’t, because I change my mind a lot). I don’t have much to say, but I hope that I have more to write XD.
          Thanks for reading!


Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven’t posted in a few weeks . . . My excuse is pretty bad, but it’s just that I’ve just felt very unmotivated whenever I write. I keep making new stories and empty promises, yet I never finish what I start, and most stories I write get put into the compost pile. I just feel like if I want to finish a story, I really have to connect to it. The two stories I have finished (“Maybe We Could Be Friends” and “If We Could Love”) are actually based off of real life (or a “fan fiction” of my circumstances), so I completely understood what I was writing and knew where the plot was going when I wrote them. This leads to the next point: I’m really bad at plotting. Yeah, I develop story ideas, but actually fleshing them out can be really, really hard for me. The reason why I could actually finish my published stories is because the chapters are short and the plots . . . are simple or even non-existent. I often put myself down and just try to avoid writing because I don’t think whatever I write is good enough (that’s why I like to write one-shots). Whenever I read other’s stories, they seem like diamonds while mine feel like dirt. But I hope that can change. I have . . . another story idea, and I hope it’s not lame (it’s called Renwood Cabin). I’m actually going on a cruise tomorrow for a week, so all I can post is the rough idea of the summary. I might work on the story, but I do have the beginning and ending figured out mostly (there’s a big twist at the end, and I hope it will surprise you all!), but the middle is still being fleshed out (I’m praying that I will be able to figure out the plot). Anyway, I think that’s all I have to say. I love you all!
          Thanks for reading! (Hopefully my hiatus won’t be too long XD.)