Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven’t posted in a few weeks . . . My excuse is pretty bad, but it’s just that I’ve just felt very unmotivated whenever I write. I keep making new stories and empty promises, yet I never finish what I start, and most stories I write get put into the compost pile. I just feel like if I want to finish a story, I really have to connect to it. The two stories I have finished (“Maybe We Could Be Friends” and “If We Could Love”) are actually based off of real life (or a “fan fiction” of my circumstances), so I completely understood what I was writing and knew where the plot was going when I wrote them. This leads to the next point: I’m really bad at plotting. Yeah, I develop story ideas, but actually fleshing them out can be really, really hard for me. The reason why I could actually finish my published stories is because the chapters are short and the plots . . . are simple or even non-existent. I often put myself down and just try to avoid writing because I don’t think whatever I write is good enough (that’s why I like to write one-shots). Whenever I read other’s stories, they seem like diamonds while mine feel like dirt. But I hope that can change. I have . . . another story idea, and I hope it’s not lame (it’s called Renwood Cabin). I’m actually going on a cruise tomorrow for a week, so all I can post is the rough idea of the summary. I might work on the story, but I do have the beginning and ending figured out mostly (there’s a big twist at the end, and I hope it will surprise you all!), but the middle is still being fleshed out (I’m praying that I will be able to figure out the plot). Anyway, I think that’s all I have to say. I love you all!
Thanks for reading! (Hopefully my hiatus won’t be too long XD.)