I plan on adding a BTS love story.
Planned Chara's~
Band Name: PaintChips
Entertainment: SM
(The charas are made for friends/family)
Cass~ Name: Choi Hye-Rin (Related to Vernon of Seventeen)
Eng Name: Chassidy Choi
Stage Name: Pink
(Now)Lover/Boyfriend: Nam-Joon
Age: 20
Ranks: Leader, Lead Rapper, Vocal, Dancer, TroubleMaker Line, Elder Line
Angela~ Name: Lee Areum (Related to Taemin of SHINee)
Eng Name: Victoria Lee
Stage Name: Blue
(Soon)Lover: Yoon-Gi
Age: 21
Ranks: Eldest, Elder Line, Lead Vocal, Dancer, Cutesie Line
Me~ Name: Kim Jimin (Related to Nam-Joon of BTS)
Eng. Name: Madison Kim
Stage Name: Purple
(Soon)Lover: Jung-Kook
(Now)Boyfriend: Jong-In(Kai)
Age: 16
Ranks: Maknae, Main Vocal, Visual, Lead Dancer, Main Rapper, Maknae Line, Troublemaker Line, Cutesie Line
Destiny~ Name: Tuan Hyun-Ah (Related to Mark of GOT7)
Eng Name: Louise Tuan
Stage Name: Yellow
(Soon) Lover: HoSeok
Age: 17
Ranks: Vocal, Main Dancer, Maknae Line, Aegyo, Cutesie Line
Melia~ Name: Park SooYoung (Related to Chanyeol of EXO)
Eng Name: Elizabeth Park
Stage Name: Orange
(Soon)Lover: Jimin
Age: 20
Ranks: Rapper, Dancer, Elder Line, Troublemaker Line, Aegyo
Sidney~ Name: Park Ji-Young
Eng Name: Autumn Park
Stage Name: Gold
(Soon)Lover: TaeHyung
Age: 18
Ranks: Vocal, Dancer, Cutesie Line, Maknae Line
Caitlyn~ Name: Lee SeokSin
Eng Name: Piper Lee
Stage Name: Silver
(Soon) Lover: SeokJin
Age: 20
Ranks: Elder Line, Vocal, Dancer, Toublemaker Line, Cutesie Line
I hope you're ready.
Plus after I finish chapter four, I only plan on adding 5 more chapters of the Sunyoul fanfic<3