
Hi! I plan on adding a new chapter to my Sunyoul fanfic when I come back from Atlanta. I wonder if anyone is going to FLYinATL, if you and you a p1 holder, yell FISHY LIPS so we can meet!


So.. I plan on putting all my stories on hold.. I want to work on my new story line.
          So far the plot is about, three ulzzang taiwanese girls. They can speak both Taiwanese, and Korean. When the girls are found on tumblr by the boys, they're added into a groupchat. They're trying to figure out what they want. Soon the girls fall-in-love and meet the boys, when they decided to come with BamBam(GOT7), when visiting his parents. It's BTS the "lovers" are Jeon Jung-Kook, Min Yoon-Gi, and Kim Nam-Joon. 
          The girls are Anyong, Malia, and Sukhon
          ~Line is an app(Like kakaotalk) I don't know if we can do groupchats on line, but I think we can..~


I plan on adding a BTS love story.
          Planned Chara's~
          Band Name: PaintChips
          Entertainment: SM
          (The charas are made for friends/family)
          Cass~ Name: Choi Hye-Rin (Related to Vernon of Seventeen)
          Eng Name: Chassidy Choi
          Stage Name: Pink
          (Now)Lover/Boyfriend: Nam-Joon
          Age: 20
          Ranks: Leader, Lead Rapper, Vocal, Dancer, TroubleMaker Line, Elder Line
          Angela~ Name: Lee Areum (Related to Taemin of SHINee)
          Eng Name: Victoria Lee
          Stage Name: Blue
          (Soon)Lover: Yoon-Gi
          Age: 21
          Ranks: Eldest, Elder Line, Lead Vocal, Dancer, Cutesie Line
          Me~ Name: Kim Jimin (Related to Nam-Joon of BTS)
          Eng. Name: Madison Kim
          Stage Name: Purple
          (Soon)Lover: Jung-Kook
          (Now)Boyfriend: Jong-In(Kai)
          Age: 16
          Ranks: Maknae, Main Vocal, Visual, Lead Dancer, Main Rapper, Maknae Line, Troublemaker Line, Cutesie Line
          Destiny~ Name: Tuan Hyun-Ah (Related to Mark of GOT7)
          Eng Name: Louise Tuan
          Stage Name: Yellow
          (Soon) Lover: HoSeok
          Age: 17
          Ranks: Vocal, Main Dancer, Maknae Line, Aegyo, Cutesie Line
          Melia~ Name: Park SooYoung (Related to Chanyeol of EXO)
          Eng Name: Elizabeth Park
          Stage Name: Orange
          (Soon)Lover: Jimin
          Age: 20
          Ranks: Rapper, Dancer, Elder Line, Troublemaker Line, Aegyo
          Sidney~ Name: Park Ji-Young
          Eng Name: Autumn Park
          Stage Name: Gold
          (Soon)Lover: TaeHyung
          Age: 18
          Ranks: Vocal, Dancer, Cutesie Line, Maknae Line
          Caitlyn~ Name: Lee SeokSin
          Eng Name: Piper Lee
          Stage Name: Silver
          (Soon) Lover: SeokJin
          Age: 20
          Ranks: Elder Line, Vocal, Dancer, Toublemaker Line, Cutesie Line
          I hope you're ready.
          Plus after I finish chapter four, I only plan on adding 5 more chapters of the Sunyoul fanfic<3