@destinee_christine so sorrt i have been grounded how did today go it was the lasts day of school are you exicted to be an eighth grader and what happened.that was emberssing.
So I'm really happy my story/book is being noticed I want to thank everyone who read it and personal shout out to @duhitzjudith bcuz she's amazing and I love her to death she's my sister so thanks guys ❤❤ stay u never let haters get u down ur all beautiful inside and out ❤❤
@duhitzjudith awwwwwwwww thanks boo boo I wouldn't trade u for the world either ur the reason I'm where I am today u give me confidence when I don't have any thank u just all I can say is thanks and ilysfm bae ❤❤❤
@des_that_crazy_chick dude you book is good so..... who wouldn't read it?;) and thank you bbg❤ilysfm:)))❤gosh i wouldn't trade you for anything in the worldd❤❤