hi all. if you aren’t caught up with what’s going on with the dream team, specifically george, i would suggest you do your own research on twitter, or at the minimum watch caitibugzz’s recent vod and georgenotfound's recent vod. dream posted on a reddit page and on twitter, and several of caiti's friends have side information/context as well, but i think it's most important for y'all to hear first from the two people directly involved. george was recently accused of non-consensually touching caiti, breaking her sexual boundaries, and taking advantage of her while she was intoxicated. the situation has a lot of grey areas where either ‘case’ could be argued, but at the end of the day, it is not my nor any of y’all’s obligation to be involved in making claims about morals, legalities, or specifics. this is not a case where one persons wins and one person loses. it’s not ‘content creator drama’: it’s two people’s real lives. george, caiti, and anyone else directly involved in the situation know what happened and their recalling of what happened is an important listen for anyone. but the situation will likely exacerbate more when getting sending hate trains, d*ath threats, etc. from either fanbase. i’d also like to quickly mention that a few of my stories have wilbur soot (another content creator/musician) in them, and i want to make it clear that i was unaware at the time of what wilbur had done to multiple women he dated in the past, along with many of his friends. a similar accusation regarding r*pe, assault, and consent has also surfaced regarding content creator punz, who i also have used as a side character in a few stories/oneshots. the three points i will make next just about sum up my feelings on all of these men:

all this being said, i am retiring this account. i don’t feel comfortable supporting men who have illegal accusations hovering over their heads, who don’t take accountability for their actions, or who use their platform to abuse their power over their susceptible and impressionable fanbases. i will no longer be posting any more new stories. i choose to leave my already finished stories up, as i refuse to let my hard work and storytelling disappear, especially based on the preconceived positive views of certain creators being tainted. thank you all for the love you’ve shown me and my stories. despite how my time in this community is ending, i will be forever grateful for the people i met, the stories i was able to tell, and the pure raw emotions i was able to convey in being a writer. i truly loved this community and our devotion to keeping it alive through art, stories, and other forms of creative expression. and for the final time: stay safe and take care of yourselves and those around you. - gracie <3

1) do not put content creators (as well as celebrities, politicians, and businesspeople) on a pedestal. you don’t know content creators, and they don’t know you. you don’t know what type of person they actually are or what they are capable of. you only know a fraction of who they are from the amount of content you consume, and even then there is a not a 100% guarantee that they are being truthful. it is okay to enjoy content, but make sure you are not devoting your life to the internet/media, as that is not healthy at all. 2) ALWAYS support victims. even if a situation was taken two different ways by two different people involved, that does not mean a victim’s feelings are not valid and it also does not mean it is their fault for being in that situation. no one EVER deserves to be assaulted, r*ped, or abused. that brings me to my last point… 3) consent is so incredibly important, specifically when talking about any affectionate touch, sexual touch, or interactions involving a power imbalance or an age imbalance. it is not hard to be a decent person. silence does not mean yes. check that everyone involved in the intimate moment has consented, and throughout the act, check back in. an individual can remove their consent at ANY TIME.