
HAH nerds, you thought I was gone!
          	It's been two long years of me having 0 spark or inspiration for writing prose, and I think I'm finally ready to get back into it. Camp NaNoWriMo is around the corner (3 days til it starts!) and I was just gonna write a few words and stretch my muscles but I've already hit like 4k so I think I'm just gonna say it: 
          	hey guys, I'm back! (kinda) I don't expect anyone to be around awaiting my return, but I figured I should get this out there while I'm still excited and happy to write again. 
          	I'm 19 now, I work a part time job, and I'm in a happy, stable environment with my wonderful boyfriend who helps me make sure I don't pull my facts out of my ass. If there was a better time to get back into it, well... I forgot how this saying goes...
          	Anyways I have a Camp NaNo novel I'm gonna be working on, and hopefully I'll be able to add my own art into it and make it a really nice and unique experience for all y'all. It's not set in Diella (Esme's kingdom in Strange Tides) or Xell (the mysterious northern country of dragons :0) but it's in the same world! Strange Tides was set on Nirve, the eastern continent, and this book is set on Harve, the western one. Harve is full of beastfolk, so you'll be seeing the demons and other species a lot more, as well as Lethyr, the country of Esme's second language~! I've been wanting to tell stories from Harve for a really long time, and I'm hoping you'll all enjoy it :)


@hawa231 i do plan on finishing strange tides but it will be a big overhaul (the story stays essentially the same, but a lot of things have changed) and it will be most likely as a web comic since i don't really write novels anymore :)


Do you have any plans for finishing strange tides?


* glad I’m always on here to see when your back or I wouldn’t have caught this☺️


HAH nerds, you thought I was gone!
          It's been two long years of me having 0 spark or inspiration for writing prose, and I think I'm finally ready to get back into it. Camp NaNoWriMo is around the corner (3 days til it starts!) and I was just gonna write a few words and stretch my muscles but I've already hit like 4k so I think I'm just gonna say it: 
          hey guys, I'm back! (kinda) I don't expect anyone to be around awaiting my return, but I figured I should get this out there while I'm still excited and happy to write again. 
          I'm 19 now, I work a part time job, and I'm in a happy, stable environment with my wonderful boyfriend who helps me make sure I don't pull my facts out of my ass. If there was a better time to get back into it, well... I forgot how this saying goes...
          Anyways I have a Camp NaNo novel I'm gonna be working on, and hopefully I'll be able to add my own art into it and make it a really nice and unique experience for all y'all. It's not set in Diella (Esme's kingdom in Strange Tides) or Xell (the mysterious northern country of dragons :0) but it's in the same world! Strange Tides was set on Nirve, the eastern continent, and this book is set on Harve, the western one. Harve is full of beastfolk, so you'll be seeing the demons and other species a lot more, as well as Lethyr, the country of Esme's second language~! I've been wanting to tell stories from Harve for a really long time, and I'm hoping you'll all enjoy it :)


@hawa231 i do plan on finishing strange tides but it will be a big overhaul (the story stays essentially the same, but a lot of things have changed) and it will be most likely as a web comic since i don't really write novels anymore :)


Do you have any plans for finishing strange tides?


* glad I’m always on here to see when your back or I wouldn’t have caught this☺️


Kalina here. This will probably be my last post on Wattpad.
          I've lost the spark for writing. It's gone. Ever since I lost all my work I've been unable to start again, and any attempts to are just...bad.
          So I'm giving up. I had a good run. I'm 18 now, and ever since I was 13 I've been doing NaNoWriMo 3 times a year, in hopes of finally finishing something. It hasn't worked out, and I'm not upset. I'm happy for my time here. Thank you for everyone who supported me while I was here. My time on Wattpad was really important to me as a kid.
          I'm not disappearing off the face of the internet. I still have a shot with art and animation, a skill I've been honing for much longer than my writing, and I'm going to keep at it until I make something of myself. You can find me on most social media under the name of nycanth or itsnekh/heyitsnekh, should you want to follow me and see my art. My webcomic is kind of on hold but it'll be back eventually.
          Sorry to everyone who enjoyed Strange Tides. I wanted to continue, but losing so much writing just broke something inside me. Maybe one day I'll return to the universe of Telurs and retell Esme and Vivek and Menias's story as a comic. I still have a lot of stories about Xell, the mysterious northern country of dragons, that I want to show to the world. But straight writing just isn't for me anymore.
          Goodbye, and thank you.


@Nandi_taylor @AshaWheeler I'm glad you all think so highly of me! But I've been trying for months and it's just not happening. I've lost my grip on writing before and earned it back. This is different. I've always had a bad habit of biting off more than I can chew and this is probably the result of that.
            Like I said, writing is a relatively new craft to me, while music and drawing have been with me since I was a kid. I can't be a master of everything, so I'm gonna focus on what I can master and just come back to Strange Tides and the story of Xell and Astral when I finally have human anatomy figured out hah
            The stories aren't going anywhere, just the way they're being presented is. Writing books just ended up not being for me, but I'll be "writing" other things. Like comics, graphic novels, animations, etc.


Gonna miss you x


Hey! I’m sorry to hear that :(. Stranger Tides is very sophisticated and the characters have  depth. You’re a talented writer so I hope you get the spark back soon!


Hey guys, it's Kalina here! 
          You may have noticed that I haven't updated Strange Tides in a while. Don't worry, I'm not quitting on it! I was having difficulties with it and I think it's best I step away from it for a while so I can get back to it with fresh motivation. In the meantime, I was asked by a very good friend of mine to write and do art for a game he wants to make, so most of my writing and art is going towards making this game happen. I might make a book here on Wattpad with information about the game and characters with concept art later on in development if you guys want that. Otherwise, you can follow the development by following me on Twitter (@heyitsnekh) or on deviantART (seerofblood). I occasionally tweet about the game and post pixel art and concept art.
          We're really early in development so we don't have much to show yet, but the game is a dungeon crawler based on Celtic/Germanic lore. It's about a guy who was wrongfully beheaded by the dullahan and needs to get his head back so he can become human again. If that sounds like something that would interest you, follow me there!


Hey everyone, Kalina here!
          In case y'all haven't noticed, I have a new project, a solarpunk high fantasy called "Strange Tides". I'd really love it if you guys checked it out. I'm also entering it in the Wattys, so any support would be great! Love y'all!