
So I haven't abandoned my stories I just can't find them my lap top broke and so all I have is the app and its telling me I have no works. So as soon as I figure this out I will continue


I rubbed the waxed paper in between my hands. One side was a corny Mickey Mouse giving me a thumbs up while the other was sticky. What a stupid thing. A sticker...who would scream on the ground and beg a teacher for a STICKER? I mean, in a couple of hours the thing will lose its sole purpose of sticking on your shirt and fall to the ground thus creating MORE litter. What is the vast importance of a sticky piece of durable vinyl??? This world full of idiotic children that live through the hell of school...for a sticker.


So my stories are at a sad pause and I really want to do part two of Mute I have had plans for a while so I am not giving up on my other unfinished stories but I need to reevaluate and possibly rewrite some of those stories. Hopefully you all enjoy my work.