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Thanks for following me! In return, I give you 'How to have an Australian accent by an Australian person':
          Rule 1: Drop your American R's. For exampled: the sentence 'youre going to the shops' would become 'ya goin ta the shops'.
          Rule 2: Swear when you're happy. Americans swear when they're angry, but Australians use swearing as a form of punctuation. For example: 'I find this beverage particularly pleasing' would become 'F**k! This s**t is pretty f***ing good!'
          Rule 3: Mumble quietly and quickly. All of your words should come out as a constant, unbroken stream. At no point should you slow down or enunciate, even when the person you're talking to clearly stopped understanding you ages ago. For example: 'what drinks do you have' would become 'waddrinksdyahave?'.
          Enjoy your new Australian accent!