
Hi, everyone. Long time, no see. I just wanted to drop in say that I am more active on AO3 and Tumblr. I’m in the process of moving everything to my AO3 (same user as the one here). I’m not necessarily leaving Wattpad but I do use those sites more often. And when I do write something new chances are that AO3 will see it first. 


Hi, everyone. Long time, no see. I just wanted to drop in say that I am more active on AO3 and Tumblr. I’m in the process of moving everything to my AO3 (same user as the one here). I’m not necessarily leaving Wattpad but I do use those sites more often. And when I do write something new chances are that AO3 will see it first. 


Hi, long time no see. Just dropping in to say I’m changing my name in here, AO3, & Tumblr. It was ineffablebatzs but not its batztrangem. I decided to combine me 2 old usernames because I wasn’t really enjoying the last one.


Hi, guys. I’m not dead. Just wanted to drop in. I’m still kind of in a hiatus. I’ve been working on some stuff on and off and I’m sure I’ll have some new stuff out across from platforms in 2024. Things have been hectic. Any time I think I might be in the clear, something else happens. This past week my dad has been in the hospital due to blood clots in his lungs (which we found out after he passed out and banged his head on the side of the bathroom sink). He’s doing better but I’d be lying if I said we haven’t been collectively terrified these past few days. It’s just been a lot. I want to write because it does make me happy, but it’s hard to get the motivation to due so sometimes. Writing isn’t the only hobby I’ve been neglecting but I’m determined to turn things around. I appreciate your patience. Much love ❤️. 


Hi, everyone. 
          I know I’ve been pretty inactive for a while. I tried to come back from my hiatus a couple of months ago and it just hasn’t went as well as I hoped. I feel like I at least should give a little explanation for my on going absence. 
          Stuff keeps happening that is setting me back. My mental health has not been great lately and my schedule has been too busy. I’ve also been dealing with extreme family issues that I never thought I’d have to deal with. I’m finding it extremely difficult to find the time and energy to sit down and write/edit. When I do have breaks, I’m too exhausted to even attempt to jump back in to writing or even enjoy some of my most loved hobbies. 
          I’ve found myself in a deep creative block. Not just writing block. My brain has felt empty for months on end and I’d be lying to you all if I said that I was ok. Last night, after months of dealing with everything, I finally broke down. I’ve been trying to juggle so many things. Too many things.
          I care so deeply about my writing and all of you that read and enjoy what I write. Writing fanfiction brings me a lot of joy and connecting with the community makes me very happy. But as for right now, I simply can’t write as much as I used to. I thought that I would be able to return and update on a regular basis, but that didn’t happen.
          I just wanted you all to know that I’m not abandoning this book or my others. I don’t like abandoning fics. But I felt like you guys deserved some honesty about my absence and why it might continue.
          I appreciate all of the support I’ve gotten through the years and I hope that you guys understand that I’m not in a good place right now. I love you guys and I’m going to try to be more transparent in the future.
          I’ll see you guys again eventually.


I met Andy Black today and it’s still sinking in


omg that’s amazing 


@leztrangem you're so lucky!!!!!


this message may be offensive
“you're fucked up. and you're tired. you are so, so tired.
          so you write
          you write them broken, you write them human, you write them spitting blood out of bruised lips, sneering and crying.
          you write them desperate, you write them lonely in their bathroom, eyes red. you write them with broken mirrors and you write them angry.
          you write them like they could be loved, like they are on the edge of being loved, like they could just be loved if they were only to try harder, to be enough.
          you write them hated, and hating themselves, you write them ashamed and begging to God, you write them ears ringing. you write them panicked and aching, and yearning and empty.
          you write them hungry, you write them with cracked lips.
          you write them and you pretend that it's not you in the pages.
          you write them and pray to God yourself, that you're not being written too.
          you write them.
          you're so tired.
          you keep writing them.” 
          From @/ felonys-amazing-poetry-tm on Tumblr


This is the best way to describe my OCs and my feelings towards writing in general. My mental health hasn’t been the best lately and writing feels like the most unbearable task some days. But when I do write, especially with books like Hell of a Ride or the books I’ve yet to post, I put everything I’m feeling into those pages. My OCs will never be perfect. They will never be fully okay as long as I’m not. Apart of me wants to live vicariously through them. But the other part wants them to feel how I feel. And although they aren’t real, that feels a bit selfish. 