
Hey all! I am updating today. I hope that everyone is staying well and safe through this pandemic. I hope that I can help out in any way by putting out some stories for you to read. Be sure to comment on stories if you have any requests for story ideas, I will have more time now being out of school, and will try to get back into a schedule. Be well, look out for some updates today! 
          	I appreciate all the support (even though I pretty much never update anymore, sorry about that)


Hey all! I am updating today. I hope that everyone is staying well and safe through this pandemic. I hope that I can help out in any way by putting out some stories for you to read. Be sure to comment on stories if you have any requests for story ideas, I will have more time now being out of school, and will try to get back into a schedule. Be well, look out for some updates today! 
          I appreciate all the support (even though I pretty much never update anymore, sorry about that)


hey guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't been keeping up on updating. I'm terrible, sorry. I have had a lot going on and then I get sidetracked and it's just ... man.. anyhow, I'll try to put something out today if I ave time eve though it's not Friday. Sorry for being so bad at updating. It's senior year and it's quite a bit of work and I've had other things going on. I'd just say don't expect me to be updating faithfully, I'll try though.


so sorry guys! I feel so bad for not updating on Friday, there has been a lot going on and I totally spaced. I'll get something out for you guys when I've got some free time.


@GothamIsMyLife Tysm, I really appreciate it.


@bb-anon Take all the time you need. We can all wait. 


Hey guys! So I go back to school tomorrow so I won't have much time during the weeks to update stuff, so I'm thinking that I'll set a day that I'll get to updating stories. For now I'm thinking maybe Fridays but that might change, I'll let you know. But for now, look out for some (a) update(s) this Friday.


Also if you didn't notice I've changed my username because I felt that since I write stories for quite a few fandoms I should change it to something sort of neutral I guess. When I first started this account I was using it just for PLL fic but it has grown into much more than that. So that's all, I'm gonna go update now.  My username used to be @ drowninspoby just so you know.


Hey! I'm back, and I am ready to update. 
          I've got a laptop to use now and so It will be very easy for me to update semi-regularly. 
          I won't promise I'll be super faithful in updating but I will try. 
          Tomorrow I basically have a day to kill time so I'll be working on some stuff then too, but for now I'm going to update a chapter or two and then see where I feel like going from there.
          Thank you all for being so patient with me.


Have you guys watched Roswell new Mexico? 
          It's rly good. 
          But anyhow, I'm thinking of starting a new book/series, just like a multi fandom random one shot shorts, type thing. I'll hopefully be posting the first chapter soon. 
          Another thing, I'll be updating "love in the dark" Today, since it's bie Friday and I have a bit more  time to get stuff written. 
          Tysm to all my supporters, sorry I have been so inconsistent with my updates, hopefully this summer I'll be able to get some more content Out for all of you. 
          And if you have any requests for any of my stories leave me a comment or send me a private message. 
          Anyhow, have a good day everyone. ✌


OMG! Hi guys, I'm finally back. I know I was back for a minute an updated a few chapters, but I've been bad at coming back on here to update some more. 
          I'll be updating something today, I don't know what yet, but you'll finally get something from me . 
          Thank you all for your support and patience. 
          Love you all!