Hi everyone!! Sorry for my tardiness again. It's a long story, but the day after posting the last message (about updating last week), I had a huge fiasco happen regarding my graduate studies. Long story short, I'm changing programs, so I had meetings with my profs which involved a lot of stressful, hard convos with crying and panicking lol. Soooo, last week I ended up taking a break from everything in my life and just sitting with my feelings. I feel much more relieved now as what I was doing before ended up not being my passion and has been making my depressed for a long time. I'm going to pursue school counseling instead, and I am so happy about it!
I am now back to my normal routine, so I'll be writing and publishing ASAP! I am also going to update my Nick Chavez fanfic which might be the first publishing I do... not sure yet. Thank you for bearing with me though. I am so sorry for breaking my promise last week, but I hope you all understand.