
questo messaggio potrebbe essere offensivo
push and pull method fucking works so much, i fucking hate it


read somewhere in a manhwa a lesson: 
          i shouldn't be picky about what I eat because it's someone who prepared it for me so that i won't go hungry. 
          as a picky eater, i feel like this is accurate. my mom would always cook for us and i'm always picky. from now on i would try my best to eat anything! 
          wrote this cause this is a valuable reasoning! 


I want to lose feelings for my crush.
          He's like the first crush that I ever acknowledge and admitted to myself and my friends that I have a crush on him. We went to the same senior high school and have the same strand but different section so I was oblivious of his existence until I graduated. Since we have the same strand, it's not impossible that we would also pick the same course, and since it's convenient, it's not strange that we stayed in our school. But it seemed like fate really didn't want us to be together since last time I was in section A, and he was in section B. Now, he's in section A, and I'm in section B. 
          I really liked him and I would get excited over him for the slightest reason. He likes my stories on Insta but it's too hard to hint at him that I'm interested since he's so lowkey and we're like not even acquaintances, only that we know each other's existence. 
          It's now six months since I had this feelings for him and I still can't get it over. Every time I see his picture, my heart would start racing and I just can't help but think that he's so cute. 
          What can I do, he's just so cute!


I didn’t get to see the event that I organized :(
          I, together with my co-officers, organized an event for our strand and I was tasked for the main event however, along with that, I also organized another activity and I will be hosting it. Hosting the activity was fun but I didn’t get to see the main one I worked so hard organizing. I asked my co-officers if it was fun and they said it was. I’m happy that it was successful and maybe I should just be contented by hearing and seeing pictures of them doing the activity. It’s okay. 


i recently lost my beloved anime illegal site. 
          So I was fiddling on my laptop when I thoughtlessly deleted all the data that was saved on my Google account. That includes all the accounts and passwords, history, everything like it didn't even exist in the first place, and of course, that tabs that I have been saving with my ctrl+shift+t. 
          After that slip up, I dreaded and all the animes that I'm currently watching were gone. I didn't even have the appetite to watch anime for a while but of course, it was just for a while. 
          I really looked and looked for the sites that I lost and it wasn't easy since most of them are illegal sites. I particularly looked for the one diamond that I found. 
          At first, I settled for less. Accepting that I could never reunite with my beloved forever but I began thinking about it again when problems arises from the one I settled. Of course after you tasted something better, you can't go back to the inferior one. I began looking for it so much that I resorted to asking reddit if they know about it. And that was where my eureka happened. When I began writing it, I said that I didn't put any effort in remembering the name, taking it for granted and that was where it clicked me. I did see the name multiple times. It was with me fror 2 years as what I have seen on my screenshots when I looked for it hoping I may have accidentally print screened the url or the name. The past scenes flashed and then the name appeared. I was filled with joy. I got my site back, I'm happy. 
          That's all!