
          	Check out my new story yeah?
          	It's Passion, trust, emotion, DANCE! 
          	its pretty damn good! hahahaha :)
          	I'll upload Mind Reader tomorrow yeah?
          	sweet! Love youse!


          In case you're interested, I uploaded the 22nd chapter of "Carrying the weight of the world". I'd love to know what you think!
          Oh, and if you're into poetry, I uploaded a poem as well. It's called "Pleading Guilty"and any feedback on that is also very welcome!
          While I'm here I also want to thank you again for being a fan!
          Have a nice day/evening


hey, I don't mean to be bothersome, but I would love if you would read my story :)
          It's my first I would love to get your opinion on it.
          If you want, i could even read your story(ies?) 
          Fair deal right? right.
          so pretty please with a thousand cherries on top and dipped in chocolate read, comment, vote, and possibly fan
          p.s.   this lovely bunny shall be sad if you don't, poor bunny :(                              
                                                  ( )  ( )
                                                 ( ^   ^ )    


hey i'm just wondering if your not busy if you could check out a story i'm writing at the mo. 
          its a typical boy/girl/ craziness ensues kind a story, and would appreciate anything from a vote to becoming a fan! 
          and i'll definitely read your stories!


          I know these get annoying after a while, but itd really mean a lot to me if you checked out my story? Maybe comment and fan? 
          I promise it's not horrible.
          And id so be willing to return the favour.
          Kay, well thanx. bye <3 xx