
if anyone speaks/ knows someone who speaks japanese pls send them my way i need some translations for a story and i do NOT trust google translate 


it’s been literally 9 million years since i’ve come over here i’m so sorry
          how are you? are you okay? i hope classes aren’t getting to be too much (cause i know mine are).
          i miss you LOTS


HI GOD THIS IS SO LATE. red!!! i miss you!!!! you’re such an angel!!! i’m okay! i am absolutely never on here anymore. feel free to PM me and i will happily give u my irl socials because i literally love u 


hi, brina :)
          popping over to check in and see how you are :)


@bbybrinaa this response is so late i’m sorry ): i hope your finals weren’t as hectic as mine were. :)


hi sweet amara! i treasure u and ur comments/messages. i’m doing okay! i’ve been working so very much and i’m in a bad creative slump but it’s christmas and i’m trying to relax a bit. i’m still skulking around tho ;) how are YOU angel???


hey everyone! i know i’ve been promising updates and i do have them drafted, but i don’t feel great the moment. just mentally and physically i’m tired and i’m sad and i can’t juggle multiple things at once. updates will be rolling out in the next few weeks but i think for now i’m gonna take a little break <3 i hope everyone is doing well and being safe, please hug your loved ones. 


some links to support native people on thanksgiving! 
          the navajo water project -
          the native rights fund -
          national indigenous women resource center -
          there’s so many more as well that you can find through these sites or through a quick search. feel free to add any in the comments, and please consider donating!


happy thanksgiving to anyone who celebrates! i hope everyone has a nice day and stays SAFE. facetime or zoom call with your family instead of getting together this year so that we can have more real thanksgivings in the years to come. celebrate, but celebrate intelligently and cautiously. 
          also! take some time to read about or better yet donate to indigenous peoples funds (i’ll link some here in a moment). thanksgiving can sometimes sweep the suffering and horrible treatment of native peoples under the rug with the guise of “unity”. indigenous people across america have had to fight for their lands and their rights since the moment white people set foot here. thanksgiving is not the time to pretend this was a peaceful process or to not acknowledge the immense wrongs done to these people. do what you can, and PLEASE be safe this year. 
          i’m thankful for you all. 


hey babies! i got a tattoo ! my arm hurts really bad and i can’t rest it comfortably against my body until it heals a bit so that’s why i haven’t updated in a few days :/ but it’s so pretty! 


@ladyyred it’s on my upper arm! on the inside where it’s nice and tender and HURT like a mf to get done. and she’s a little sketch of the statue of venus :) she’s Gorgeous but so ITCHY rn 


(& what part of your arm did you get it on?)


what is it of?