i wish i had motivation. or just energy in general. like reading all this fanfiction is making me so inspired, but at the same time there's just an empty void that i can't get around. does that even make any sense??? idk man... i just wish i could crawl into said void and disappear from existence forever. having responsibilities, actually trying to make things i know im capable of doing and even *want* to do... ok how did i end up having a mini-meltdown over this i- im curious, does anyone else have this problem? or am i just demotivated and a level of procrastinator that is way too unhealthy to be human at this point? idek what im talking about man. i wanna go to bed but at the same time make something. do something. anything. and yet i just... don't. i have the same problem with doing schoolwork too, it's... frustrating. constantly having no energy. maybe it's because of my depression, idk, but i've always just had no energy, even after getting a good night's sleep. oh and, side tangent, having both anxiety *and* depression is just???????? absolute mind-boggling torture??????? like part of me just wants to lay in bed and cry all day and yet the other half is like "but you have responsbilities. what will your family think, your friends, what will society think? you should get up and make something since that's all you know how to do anyway." and then the depression butts in all like "but im such a disappointment there wouldn't even be a point. who would like what i do anyway." so it's just ???????????????? idk what im talking about man i need to... sleep... probably....

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@bbysung_17 I have the same problem! I'm always lacking energy no matter how much or little I sleep, and finding motivation to actually do something..it's hell. I can make huge plans for the next day, think about the thing I want to do the whole day and whoosh it's already night time and I didnt manage to do shit :') idk how people find motivation to be productive the whole day