
Hey hey hey! Beautiful person award! Once you are given this award you are to pass it on to 8 people on their message boards who you think deserve it. Nothing happens if you break the chain, but I think it's the sweetest to know that someone appreciates your beauty. Both of heart and visage.
          Love you lots bub ♡


aww my gosh thank you so much it really warms my heart <3


Hey lovely:) My name's Ruby and I'd love love LOVE it if you could check out the description of my book! It's my first one so I'm literally crazy nervous!
          It's called Dancing On Thin Ice and I update every single day!
          Hopefully you consider my request and maybe we could be friends... (if you wanna be friends with my weird ass)


OH MY GOSH HIII !! i literally woke up to see this, did you know my nickname is ruby too huehue ! let’s be friends!! my insta @wxnter.melon