
Haha I forgot I had Wattpad & read all of my stories last night & laughed my butt off. I actually don’t hate them?? Lol anyway are any of u still around 


Guys it's time. I've come out of my wacky hiatus. Im just in a bit of a pickle because I can't quite decide if I want to pick up on one of my books (the broken boy and the colorful girl), edit one, or debut a new story that I've been working really hard on. Everyone's input is always welcome :) BUT I'm glad to start working again 


What could I be uploading tonight?? Maybe Letters To Elspeth? 
          In the meantime: I am planning on posting a series of short fictional stories that piece together and ultimately finish out with a normal length book. If anyone is interested in editing, or making covers for them, send me a Private message. I will be sure to credit you :)


Coming soon: Letters to Elspeth 
          I shuffled through the attic, inhaling stale dust. Aidan followed me up, coughing and waving dust from his face. 
          "What a lovely attic your grandma has."
          "Shut up. You followed me. I didn't invite you here."
          "Yes. Kenton told you to invite me places."
          "Yes and my grandma's dusty attic is what you chose?"
          "Fine. Look through piles and tell me if you see anything interesting," I told him. He nodded and went to the corner and started looking around. I sat down and looked through a trunk. 
          Maybe an hour in Aidan got my attention. 
          "Whatever. Anyway, I found this box of letters addressed to your grandmother. They're all from the same guy. They're love letters."
          "Are you serious?!" I stood up and walked fast to him and sat down. I picked up a letter and read the beautifully scripted letter describing the date the man, E.B. And my grandma had been on. I finished the letter and realized I was leaning on Aidan. I quickly stood up and helped him up. 
          "We have to bring these to my grandma. Like now," I said. He nodded and grabbed the box.