Hello my fellow humans
Debby here with an announcement
Well, I unpublished my story "Can't let you go" cause I just realised that my planning was horrible and the story wasn't going to end up well. So that's why I decided to unpublished it.
For those who read the little part of the story that I had written. Thank you so much and I really appreciate your support and love
I promise to bring the story back on when everything starts making sense.
And there may be a tinee tiny change to the story when it comes back on.Maybe just the size of mount Kilimanjaro,... Yep I know, that's very tinee tiny
So if you already read the story, and return to find that the whole plot literally changed. I ask for your forgiveness.
I'll be busy writing notes on the story so that I can actually understand where I want to go from here.
This is my first time actually writing a story and i didn't know it would be so complicated and hard. Like you have to focus on every detail because they all count.
Well that's all I wanted to say
Pray for me guys
I'll need it
Loves and kisses
From me
To you