your work is amazing love<3

I have a question.... What exactly is the writing style in your poetry? Is it called prose poetry or....? I'm asking 'cause I have a similar book called 'Prose Waters', and I can't really pinpoint what category they fall under.

how are you? haven’t seen you in a minute ❤️

Tips for overcoming writer’s blockage? :/ Haven’t been able to write poetry in what feels like ages.

write more, amour!!


okkokkkk wanna do a lil something to spread some positivity out here: what's one thing you like about yourself? i'll start: i really like that i never give up. even after things have been hard for a really long time. how about you? what do you like about yourself?

@beachflower- i'm straightforward/confrontational 99% of the time. if i have a problem with you, i'll let you know. i'll be blunt about it, too. too many people in this world like to be passive aggressive & never come out and say how they feel, and it causes so much emotional turmoil and misunderstanding that can easily have been avoided. [loved this idea! i needed a bit of positivity tbh ♡)

@beachflower- hmm I like my determination — whenever I’m really passionate about something, or have a rlly strong goal that I desperately want, I will literally not stop working towards it, and I’ll work rlly hard towards it. I rlly like urs as well — ur incredibly strong for not giving up, as it’s so easy to do so when things get rough. ily for that <33 Also this exercise (?) is rlly nice because we all need to be reminded of the good parts within ourselves :))

trying out she/they pronouns <3 this may not be permanent, but i'd rather i try them out in this "vacuum" called wattpad before coming out in real life

@beachflower- hey yesss it’s amazing that ur trying it out <33 Wattpad is a great place to start we have such a supportive community here :)

gender!!! is so !!! confusing!!! i've been conditioned to live as i girl, i don't mind and even enjoy being perceived as a girl, but deep down i know i have no intrinsic sense of gender and probably would have been out and about as non-binary if my relatives didn't enforce such strict gender roles on me!!!! *looks back at old childhood photos in which i was an androgynous icon, confused* ahh how are y'all <3333

@_surreality ahhhh!!! i rlly feel this!!! i feel like my personal relationship w more masculine clothes stems from a sort of desire to rebel against more feminine standards that my family often pushes me to pursue. this is independent of my sense of gender, but i still think its interesting to consider.... honestly for now i'm kind of just establishing pronouns i'm comfortable with. not even going to bother with gender (those two don't even always align anyway). at least for me, its still very hard to draw lines between these concepts. just trying to figure out what i feel most liberated identifying with <3

@beachflower- i feel like i've started to lean towards masculine things just because i thought it was 'cooler' or 'better' to lean masculine up until lately. (internalized misogyny is such a b;tch) for me, it's just really hard to figure out if i'm just naturally leaning towards something or i've conditioned it as the default because society likes said thing. i agree with not feeling like 100% of a girl mentally, but i also wonder if we should even be quantifying it or defining the feeling, if that makes sense? what makes one a girl? i don't even know anymore haha.

@stxr_streetss seriously!!! i feel like as an aro/ace, clothing and the way i present myself have never really played a role in how i see my sexuality, so it's interesting to hear other points of view! if anything, i feel like many aro/ace people are kind of stereotyped to wear androgynous clothing, which is kind of the opposite of me and my crop tops and earrings lollll. was talking to a non-binary friend of mine and what struck me was how much they emphasized the idea that like, gender presentation and gender identity aren't the same. makes me realize that i probably never felt 100% like a girl entirely, at least not mentally. it's nice to be able to freely try things out here on wattpad before i figure out what truly fits me tho!! <3