
Manifesting that the pjo show brings me back to my pjo phase 


i thought i'd have to wait for the show to get back in it, but all it took was the fandom coming back alive. i've been into it again for a while now! i hope the show gets you back in as well <3


@beamingbooks oh I hope that this doesn't mean you're giving up but if you are then I understand


Manifesting that the pjo show brings me back to my pjo phase 


i thought i'd have to wait for the show to get back in it, but all it took was the fandom coming back alive. i've been into it again for a while now! i hope the show gets you back in as well <3


@beamingbooks oh I hope that this doesn't mean you're giving up but if you are then I understand


Hey guys! Just a quick little life update:
          Sorry for being so inactive. School, my usual excuse, is keeping me way too busy to do anything I enjoy lol
          Quick update on my stories/updating:
          If a story isn’t marked as complete, that means I have a plan for an ending and will update it eventually. I’m having major writer’s block revolving PJO recently, but I think summer and the upcoming PJO show will fix this, so don’t worry
          Also, if I haven’t read/replied to you/your works or comments or messages recently, it’s because I either haven’t seen them or I’ve been busy, it’s nothing personal.
          Anyways thanks!! :)


@beamingbooks oh don't worry I just really, really hope to hear from you soon btw hope you remember me


Did i bring you back? XD


*pat pat*


So um,
          You remember Amnesiac?
          The story by @maybeitswritersblock that she took down?
          You're in her bio so I thought to ask you I'm trying to write a sort of version based on it. I remember the start of that book made me cry so what i wanted to ask was if you remember why and how percabeth broke up? I just need the breakup part, but if you remember anything else from the book that would be great.


Best Wattpad book ever!!!


I love your Percabeth book ‘Troubled’


I don’t see my name in their bio and I don’t remember that story, sorry :( Let me know if there are any other things I can do to help you


Hey guys, Happy Thanksgiving!!
          I’m so sorry for being so inactive lately. School has just gotten in the way. Anyways lately I’ve been working on some stuff Wattpad related. I just released a chapter of Better This way and published a new one. I also have been rewriting What If and it’s almost done!! Anyways I’m hoping to be more active on Wattpad again soon. Have a great thanksgiving to my fellow Americans, and have a good Thursday to the rest of you guys :)


@beamingbooks happy thanksgiving even though in canada i already have celebrated thanksgiving btw i notice you've updated better this way and i really hope you'll keep it up but just know that even if you don't have percy and annabeth end up together i will see your story all the way through no matter what and can we ever get more updates for your other books and will ever get an epilogue to troubled