
thanks for 250 followers <3


how are youuu? i changed my name today and i was like.. i should let people know. .-.


@fakemermaid_  well i do hope the move otherwise went as smooth as it possibly could've. i'm glad you're feeling better! yasss friends ;) i hadn't been coming on wattpad much this month because i wasn't feeling all too well, but i'll probably be coming on more.  and haha don't worry about responding to yourself, i do it all the time(:


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omg. i would do that dumb shit and reply to myself ^^^ forgive me.


@fakemermaid_ and i'm over here being active as ever! idk why. i go through like a week or so in each month where I'm on like everyday. i moved and stuff and couldn't get on and i was anxious like thinking of all types of stuff to write.   but i'm better now. thank you for getting on to respond. i swear all my original friends on here are gone ._. so you're my new original friend now haha.