
Hey everyone! I just updated Finding Lyla! I hope you enjoy it, please vote and share it with your friends, I'd very much appreciate it! -bear 


Hey guys! So I would've posted sooner but I recently had an appendectomy (my appendix removed) and Usually it takes 3 days at most for people to leave but it took 5 days because it had been infected when they took it out so I was on morphine and antibiotics and a million other things almost the entire time. The hospital had also just sucked all my energy and soul, I barely spoke, I snapped at my mom, I was bloated and in pain, it was terrible. But finally when I left I was myself. I've been home for 3 days down and I've improved so much. I'm finally hungry again (I didn't eat or was hungry for almost 1 week then) and I'm able to eat without throwing it up. I still have to take pain pills and antibiotics and gas pills but they're helping me improve. I'm gonna try and write some while I'm recovery but it'll be hard since I have to be walking constantly, eating, taking care of myself and stuff. But I'll do my best whenever i can. I probably won't be able to post for another month or so since I have to recover and I have to reschedule my exams and catch up on school work since it's a new semester but if I finish a chapter, I'll most definitely post it. 
          I love you all, thanks for reading my story and getting it to 100 reads! It means so much to me! 


Working on Finding Lyla again!! I finally found time for it. Middle school teachers say they prepare you for high school but I swear the school system is always lying to us... 
          And marching band... Let's just leave it at that. 
          I promise I haven't abandoned it! I just didn't have any brain capacity to work on it. I'm free this weekend so I'll probably have it up next week. I'm not making any promises since I only have about 800 words right now and my goal is about 2000 words away... 
          Love you guys! Please share comment and vote on Finding Lyla it gives me a lot of inspiration!! 


Sorry if I don't update on Tuesday, I have marching band and I'm going through something right now that I don't want to talk about but I hope you understand. I love you guys and I'll try to update sometime next week .-. 
          Love you guys,