
It's back. Go check out "Changing Axel" :)


You should totally write more. I mean 'Crazy, Stupid Love ' was one of my favorites. You write so good and are very talented. It'd be a shame for you to give up on writing books. I'm not saying that, that's what you're doing, but all I'm trying to say is that you are too good of a writer to not write. Hopefully you start writing stories again:)


@chelseablake thank you so much! And I am writing a book but it's going pretty slow cause of school and stuff. Once I update you'll  be the first to know. 


I have soo many amazing followers and readers, I was kinda depressed at the way my book was going but now I am so overwhelmed. You guys are amazing. My sister is here from college and will be hogging the computer so sadly an update will only come on Monday :/ I don't have enough time to send it to the people who volunteered to be my editors, so I'll send it to you guys sometime next week! "Perfectly Falling" is *almost* at 500 reads :o! Come on you guys you know we can get there! :D xx


Perfectly Falling is still staying at 300+ reads. :/ I'm kinda depressed. I was so excited for the book. Should I take it down?


@genresavvyly thank you so much. it means a lot to me. :)


@MissHighDoom No! It'll get better soon!! :) That's what I tell myself for all of my books! :D