
Assalamualaikum guys it's been some days and through them I didn't post about Against All Ties. We have six episodes up guys! Read all the available chapters using the link. Please sign up with the website in other to comment on the chapters I will love to here your thoughts and also like on every chapter it will be much appreciated. Jazakallah Khairan. Enjoy your read ❤️


Assalamualaikum guys it's been some days and through them I didn't post about Against All Ties. We have six episodes up guys! Read all the available chapters using the link. Please sign up with the website in other to comment on the chapters I will love to here your thoughts and also like on every chapter it will be much appreciated. Jazakallah Khairan. Enjoy your read ❤️


Hello ,pls is there going to be an update on A journey of the heart or it has been stop pls kindly let me know  so I can remove it from the list of story I want to read .thank you 


@beautiedee_ you can find the link in my insta bio. Check the account @author_mufidaaxeex.m drop your likes and reviews 


@habbibt55 hii it will come Insha Allah just busy with this new one and it's already up please do check it out and share with your friends and family 