
YOO I really have no idea how to continue this.... 


@ beautiermosa  good idea. But meeting them in another way. Not getting taken from them again please 


@beautiermosa Heres an idea that might help. They go shopping. There she gets taken by one of the members and ends up and an alleyway. While Adrik is doing business and he stumbles across her crying. They adopt her and take her in. 1 or 2 years later at a raid by her bios to her adopted family Aiden finds her having fun in Adriks backyard... And then you can go with your imagination from there.


@beautiermosa please don't stop writing the book


When you write a story you should never give it doesn’t matter how many people you get to read it if it’s a big or small amount  people look for look for a finished story  so never give up finish what you started  I’ve been reading books  for years this is how every one starts when writing  their first books if you love what you do keep going