
Sorry I haven't been able to update, these past few and these next few weeks are the busy and hectic parts of preparing with my school play! Next week is hell week and I'm completely stressed so there won't be an update for the next few weeks since I've had no time to write. I love you all I'm sorry <3


Hey! Can you please my wattpad story called Different? I would really appreciate feedback maybe even a vote ha thats only if you enjoyed it :) my user is weirdosarecool so please support my dream of writing because honestly I love writing so much but how can I write when no one tells me if I'm good or not? :) xx 


Sorry I haven't been able to update, these past few and these next few weeks are the busy and hectic parts of preparing with my school play! Next week is hell week and I'm completely stressed so there won't be an update for the next few weeks since I've had no time to write. I love you all I'm sorry <3


I'm writing the next chapter! Hopefully you guys won't be waiting as long as last time! If there's anything specific you guys want to see, leave a comment in the most recent chapter and I'll see if i can fit it into the next chapter. I'll take some suggestions for cute moments you want to happen, ect. Love you guys <3


Sorry I've kept you all waiting so long for the next chapter! I'm in the midst of the next chapter and I know how it's going to play out, I just can't find the energy to write. Lame excuse, I know, I've just been not in a happy mood lately and I want the chapter to come out good and not all bitter. I'll work on it little by little and I promise to have it up this week! Thanks to all my readers <3


Sorry I've kept you all waiting so long, but its been taking me a while to figure out how I want the next chapter to go. And thanks to this Frankenstorm, I know I'm going to lose power so I won't be able to write or update. Sorry for the delay I've just been really busy! But thanks for all the love I really appreciate all the feedback on In Need of a Bad Boy <3


hey darlin, sorry to hear about your broken finger, that sucks! I feel your pain (well, sort of), last year I was playing footy with my ex & he kicked the footy straight into my awkwardly awaiting hands & dislocated my finger. I couldn't move it for a week, it was fat & dark grey & popping it back into place was torture so I can't even imagine the pain you're going through having it actually broken.. you really don't know how much you need your hands & fingers till you're practically handicapped by them.
          anyways, more on point, I have noticed I need a major catch up on In Need Of A Bad Boy & I shall begin tonight once I am in the safety of my nice warm bed.
          apart from that I thought I'd give your wall some love & I hope your finger recovers quickly :) xx


I just got back from the doctors and I have a broken finger :( So I won't be able to write very quickly, but luckily I have the next two or so chapters written so I'll try and work with those. I have a splint on for a month so sorry if the updates are a little more spaced :( thanks guys! :)