
Lovely Followers,
          	So I updated Snapshots...and it's been summer for about a month and I may or may not have completely forgotten about it. So...whoopsie! Well. I'd like to thank @Pancakemak for this good story idea and even though it was really hard to write in the beginning and the end for different reasons. One:  In the beginning, I didn't know what type of story it would be. Two: In the end, I didn't have any idea how to end it. Luckily, though, I thought it turned out pretty good. So if you have a chance, please read "Wanderers" and I promise I'll try and update soon.
          	Until next time, happy reading!


Lovely Followers,
          So I updated Snapshots...and it's been summer for about a month and I may or may not have completely forgotten about it. So...whoopsie! Well. I'd like to thank @Pancakemak for this good story idea and even though it was really hard to write in the beginning and the end for different reasons. One:  In the beginning, I didn't know what type of story it would be. Two: In the end, I didn't have any idea how to end it. Luckily, though, I thought it turned out pretty good. So if you have a chance, please read "Wanderers" and I promise I'll try and update soon.
          Until next time, happy reading!


Lovely Followers,
          I am back and have once again finally updated Snapshots. I am very sorry that it has been almost two months since I last updated. Since summer is fast approaching, I will try and write more often and update more, even though they might be just like this most recent story. I mean, not everything I write will be profound and impressive like "h i m" was (not to toot my own horn or anything.)
          Okay. A little teaser for "Between the Lines." 
          Quizlet. Some cursing. Fifty Shades of Gray. A library conversation.
          I hope y'all enjoy it. It is quite simple and I like it. I hope you will too.
          Until next time, happy reading!


Lovely Followers,
          Please please please please read what I have posted on Snapshots. It is called 
          "h i m" and the writing style is very abstract. I decided to experiment with the style to see how it would end up. Please let me know what you think. The funny thing is I don't really know what it's about. I just wrote. So I guess you can decide for yourself what you think it's about.
          Until next time, happy reading!


Lovely Followers,
          I have updated Snapshots! Huzzah! Twice within the span of a month! I know I don't update as much as others, but I spent a lot of time on this one and it's longer than most. To create some suspense and interest I will summarize "Incidentally" in as few sentences as possible:
          Girl moves to escape past. Girl sees boy. Girl knows boy. Boy knows things about girl's past.
          Until next time, happy reading!


I just reread this and I love the ending, in case you're curious at all. I'd completely forgotten how it ended. It was like reading something I hadn't written. I was discovering the story all over again.


Lovely Followers,
          I don't know if any of you have noticed but I have - drum roll please - updated Snapshots! I know! Yay!!! This section was requested by @AwestruckAubree but I never wrote it when she requested six months ago...whoops. So I changed it up a little but I still wrote it for her. I hope y'all enjoy it and please please please please please request because I really need a reason to continue writing and if y'all have an idea and I'm not fishing in the well, it will help me a lot more.
          Until again, happy reading!


Lovely Followers,
          Last time I notified you, it was to tell you I took down one of my stories. I am telling you that I have taken down "It Began When I Met You", mainly because full stories take up so much time. Luckily, though, I plan on working more avidly on "Snapshots" and am working on my next post and hope to update more regularly. Remember, please request and give me prompts, and either message me here or privately. If you do request, I promise to try harder to not make you wait, like, 6 months for it (sorry @awestruckaubree).
          Until again, happy reading!


Dear Lovely Followers,
          I regret to inform you that I have officially taken down "All the Things I Want to Say". Before you wonder why, I'll explain. The story was just turning into a huge time suck and distracting me from my fiction works. So, for now, I have taken it down. Maybe when I get more done on my fiction story and the short story, it might return. Maybe it might. For those of you who only found that story interesting, sorry. 
          Until again, happy reading!


Dear Lovely Followers,
          Oops. I have taken on a new writing project. I keep filling up my plate, and I know I should probably try and work on other stuff sometimes, but I'll try to keep working on my other books, too. So here is "Snapshots" summary:
          "Have you ever wondered how long a story must be to get a point across? Have you ever realized that sometimes, it isn't the novel that is the thing that evokes the most emotion from us, but, instead, the shorter reads - the stories that don't involve a four month dedication? Have you ever wondered about some abstract story idea, but just don't know how to put it to paper?
          "Snapshots" is basically going to be short stories about anything, really. If you have a request for a story topic or you would like to see a continuation of someone's story. Let me know; send me a private message, and I'll try and write something. Your requests can be specific like "a story about a girl named Claudia and her boyfriend Paul" or something completely vague like an abstract quote or a word. Challenge me. Help me stir some things up. Change can be good for everyone. Especially me."
          I hope you enjoy it. Once more, comments of any sort are always appreciated, so even if it is something super random, like, "That reminds me of broccoli", I will read it. All of your interactions with my stories are so highly valued.
          Also, thanks for the 100+ reads on "All the Things I Want to Say". Thanks for all of your reading support!
          Until again, happy reading!


Dear Lovely Followers,
          I apologize that I have posted no stories yet. I feel as if I am letting you all down. But never fear. I'll get around to it...eventually...hopefully. But really. I will try to post something as soon as possible. For now, happy reading! (Maybe someday it will be my work that is your  happy reading...)


Lol. Just read your bio/description. Me too, with not only the "aspiring writer" thing and the "the one who's always doing dance moves at the grocery store" thing. I may just have been told I have a gift, but I have been told that I'm AWESOME! (I agree...)


@EternityForward: Thank you so much for the compliment on my bio. Personally, I didn't like it that much when I wrote it, but now I like it a little more. Thank you so much for making my day!