There’s been in increase in people accusing me of purposely skipping their entries and making me feel bad. I want to make it clear that the next time I receive another insensitive comment like that, I simply won’t reply. I’ve mentioned that I’m human and I make mistakes. All you have to do is ask if something is wrong, instead of telling me that I’m ignoring you, or spamming me to try and get things done. I will not be walked all over. Especially when I’m doing this for free. The ridiculous increase in these comments has been the reason why I’m less active. I hate to come on here and complain, but I’m tired of it. I do not owe any of you anything. You are not entitled to a spot in the awards. You are not entitled to make me feel bad when I am simply doing my best. And I will not be dignifying anyone who acts this way with a response, or a spot on the awards.

You shouldn’t have to go through that! Try your best to ignore the negativity. I know easier said than done!

@Beegeesisland thank you so much :)) it’s really hit me hard because I used to run loads of awards during lockdown and I’ve never experienced this before, at least not to this extent