
Farisss! cepatlah datang.. saya rindu awakkkk!! #kutunggucintamu


Tahukah anda, saya sungguh terharu ada orang yang sudi membaca cerita saya yang syahdu. Percayalah, saya menangis teresak-esak menulis cerita sendiri sebab bayangkan sinario faris dan Ana. Aduh, sedih! Lepas ni nak tulis cerita apa, x blh move on lagi...


dear earth or any power lies beneath it, just come to me, empower me, embrace me in anyway you do so that I dont feel alone and useless despite i shouldnt but i must. I'm a normal average quiet residential school student whom aspires to be a great woman who cares for her people,whose concern is not less than the country's affair and work tirelessly to bring forward the netizen so that they become educated,caring and a better person. therefore, i've come up with several plans of flaws which I think useful. instead of being smart, i can barely compete with prestigious school students which is the reason i think i'm not worth living. i dont speak like them, how could i possess the same idea? so, i should give up on pure dream cause its the best and just lead a simple life because there are more deserving the post. maybe i'm too insincere. yet, there should be reason i'm living and i should be a little of help too :) entrust the bigger responsibility to those who deserve it more. good luck. i entrust my dream, our nation to you ;)


dear,why is it sometimes when we really hope for happiness,the opposite occurs.although,u dont exist but i keep believing it hurts,it hurts to know that you arent there.
          however,my dear,i would never take u lightly as ure a creation of my heaven,my world heaven.. :'(