
Hey people!!!
          	It's been so long distance on your butts all alone. Loneliness can be constructive as well as distructive. Do not let it destroy you, stay away from the black hole of negative thoughts. And if you feel you are falling into that dark deep abyss, find a friend, or a person close to you or even a stranger with whom you need not hide. And talk, because it works.
          	You might consider yourself socially awkward or aloof, but talking to people gives you different perspectives to think, to think in a better way sometimes
          	So if anyone out there feels the need to talk, feel free to talk to me or anyone you are comfortable with.
          	(I may seem like a boring old lady through my public msgs, but I am a crazy little thing with a sass, try me)


Hey people!!!
          It's been so long distance on your butts all alone. Loneliness can be constructive as well as distructive. Do not let it destroy you, stay away from the black hole of negative thoughts. And if you feel you are falling into that dark deep abyss, find a friend, or a person close to you or even a stranger with whom you need not hide. And talk, because it works.
          You might consider yourself socially awkward or aloof, but talking to people gives you different perspectives to think, to think in a better way sometimes
          So if anyone out there feels the need to talk, feel free to talk to me or anyone you are comfortable with.
          (I may seem like a boring old lady through my public msgs, but I am a crazy little thing with a sass, try me)


Hey there guys!!
          So I was in my bed and I wanted to write, people talk about love, love is whatever we define it to be, at least according to me.
          If you believe it's love, it must be. So I started writing what I believe love is. A tribute to all moms out there. If you are a mom and reading this 2nd update, you are my heroes♥️
          And if you like it, recite or write a part of it to ur mother, whichever you like
          And if you like it, click the star and maybe leave  a comment
          Do let me know what you think.
          Good night and sleep tight.


@beautyinnature That poem was amazing! 
            Mommies are indeed blessings! 


Hey guys!!! Do give my piece a chance, I am starting a new chapter to my life and need your support. I believe in good will, maybe you do too. Any query, any requests or just plain old chit chat is welcome here. And if you are too shy of public eyes, just dm me.
          This is the new me and a very in mood of talking me.
          Would love reviews and positive criticism or the negative too if you can give me one.
          And yes, all those who follow me are the most badass people here because I am not the best out there, or easy to love or even follow .
          Awaiting your responses desperately!!!!


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for reading and voting Entwined ♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!!  It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡     
          P.s. The second book Enamoured and spinoff Engulfed are available on Wattpad! ♡