
Awww, thank you so much for voting for WHTN in the Fiction Awards tonight! ❤️❤️❤️ it really means a lot to me that you would take the time to vote for it! 


Sorry I didn't respond earlier! I was busy working and studying for a test I had today. But I'm glad that the book was able to pull one over on you, haha. I guess that's the point of a mystery novel, right? Awww, really?! Well, thank you so much for that! Lol, don't feel obligated to read TIF. That book is MONSTROUSLY long, haha. Awww, oh my gosh, you are just the sweetest! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank YOU for reading. If no one read my books, I probably would've stopped writing years ago. ❤️


At first I thought I had griffin figured out you know but then the whole Emily thing really messed with my head especially with the beer bottles like wow I was not expecting that but anyway I've read many of your books actually the only one I haven't read is Living in Forver and I'm planning to start that one once I get caught up on the last chapter of unarmed!! You have a talent thanks for sharing it on Wattpad ❤️


There are so many good contenders for sure! Haha, oh my gosh, really? That's actually pretty cool! I'm so glad that you liked it so much and that you felt that way about the characters. I thought that at times I was being obvious, lol. Ooh, me as well. It was the first genre I was interested in after children's books. ❤️


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God I sound so fucking needy I'm sorry. But I see your intrested in feminism so I figured you might be interested in my short story collection "To Be a Silhouette in a Blue" its all about diverse women and their acceptance of themselves and their own existence. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in just spare it a glance, and maybe leave a comment telling me what you think ☺☺ (this sounded even needier than I wanted it to)