
@Emmierox480 Whatever you think looks best  with the picture :)! 


@Emmierox480 OH YAY!(:
          Description:its basically about two girls >sisters< their twins with black hair and jade eyes they have been running away from rouge vampires because their parents abandoned them since they were different. the reason they were different was that one of them the oldest >madilynn< is a vampire but with abnormal powers (im not spilling any secrets since i've only got the first chapter down(: ) and her sister charlie who is a shapeshifter/vampire.
          Anything you want/ what characters look like: i was thinking railroad tracks or something cool like that since their on the run all the time?. they're both 17 and have black hair and jade eyes the title is called Make A Wish because thats what the eldest sister says right before she kills someone.and i think like maybe a dandelion and a girl blowing it out? p.s.->please dont include the color orange i hate that color :p<
           i tried to make one but failed :\\.