
Well, I'm about to go have the worst 'conversation' with my parents in a few minutes. Right before I go into work tomorrow for possibly my most stressful day ever. Done my best to cry myself out before hand, wish me luck.


I’m sure you won’t see this for years but I’m curious about your life story. Did you move out?? Are you alive?? 
          You remind me of someone I used to know, and now you got some random person who cares about you thriving in the future


Well, I'm about to go have the worst 'conversation' with my parents in a few minutes. Right before I go into work tomorrow for possibly my most stressful day ever. Done my best to cry myself out before hand, wish me luck.


F U to the guy from my school who was well aware of what my dad was like and had seen me terrified of him, only to start trying to get me in trouble with him by lying at parents evening. You deserve exactly what you've been given in life.


I hate it when people make fun of me for not knowing something. As a kid, I wasn't allowed on the internet until I was in secondary school, and we were only allowed to go to McDonalds twice a year pretty much. 
          I've never had a friend who didn't laugh at me for not knowing what a brand of clothing or food was, or not knowing about certain TV shows.
          It's still happening now. I've been online for years, I found out as much stuff as I could to try and fit in, but I fVcking know everything and I'm getting tired of this sh!t.
          I'm so tired.


@EllieAndBeccy My family got our first computer when I started high school, so I still have some trouble using it. And everybody just assumes that I should know that stuff. I made a total fool of myself when I went to subway the first time. I used to live in this small farming village, so we did not have big corporation fast food plases like mcdonald or something. And every school trip to Helsinki (capital of Finland) was a chore. Everything was big and confusing... Of course there are allways people that make fun of you or your backround. It made me feel bad and sometimes I still feel that way, but I had to learn to let it go. Usually I get by fine, on hard days I try to remember that there are lots of stuff I know about that others dont.
            So hang on and remember: You are talented and smart!


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Not having a great night.
          I was feeling so odd, I ended up forcing myself to cry to let it all out with a song playing on my laptop on repeat. The scab on my ear is bleeding, I'm starting to spend more of my days daydreaming instead of doing my work or anything useful to escape the fact I keep fucking up.
          I have like four months to start and complete an online course that I wasn't ready to take. At this point I'm just self-sabotaging to get myself in trouble with my mum. I just want to go to sleep, but I'm bleeding and have a headache from crying.
          So yeah, not my best night, but at least I'm yet to top my worst.