
Hello loves! I was hoping to get feedback from you guys about my newest book “Bluebirds Flower Shop”. I have been wanting to continue this book for a while, since Iv only finished chapter 3, but I need your help. Part of the reason why I write my books, is for you guys. But seeing that I have little reads, I see no reason to continue, but I want to! I started this book a while back, it was supposed to be just a short story with 5 chapters, but because I had so many ideas, I wanted to continue to write it. Then I thought of publishing the book onto Wattpad for others to read. I know I don’t have that many followers, but I was hoping after writing this book, I could at least start to gain more views. I love writing, writing is my dream, and I really need you guys to help me make my dream come true. All I am asking is for some feedback on my book, your likes and dislikes, for me to see whether I should continue this story or not. Please help me, it will be much appreciated! Thank you loves! 


Hello loves! I was hoping to get feedback from you guys about my newest book “Bluebirds Flower Shop”. I have been wanting to continue this book for a while, since Iv only finished chapter 3, but I need your help. Part of the reason why I write my books, is for you guys. But seeing that I have little reads, I see no reason to continue, but I want to! I started this book a while back, it was supposed to be just a short story with 5 chapters, but because I had so many ideas, I wanted to continue to write it. Then I thought of publishing the book onto Wattpad for others to read. I know I don’t have that many followers, but I was hoping after writing this book, I could at least start to gain more views. I love writing, writing is my dream, and I really need you guys to help me make my dream come true. All I am asking is for some feedback on my book, your likes and dislikes, for me to see whether I should continue this story or not. Please help me, it will be much appreciated! Thank you loves! 


Hello fellow followers! I HATE to leave my work unfinished, especially when I have great plans for it! So I need your help! I have started a new book called "Little Blue Bird" and I would absolutely love if you checked it out! Want to be of extra help? Share it to your friend of the Wattpad community who you think would love a romance book! I have tried hard to spread the message on my new book, but I still need help! I will be giving out shoutouts to those who help in anyway. I appreciate all of my followers who have stuck with me. Thank you loves!


Bonjour, mes fabuleux lecteurs! J'ai mis à jour une nouvelle histoire "Bluebird Flower Shop". Va le vérifier! Vous pouvez vous demander pourquoi je dis cela en français, bien la classe de français va être utile! Merci!


Studied abroad for a while actually :)


I can read some of that.  Only a little.  Dude, you sound like you're from france


Hello hello hello! I have never be so excited before! Want to know why? Well, Sir Rob has just updated that he has a link to vote on all of the fan fiction of 'Storm and Silence'. So please, if u have read mine, go vote. The link for it is . And my book is 'Ice Storm'. So please make me the happiest girl in the world and vote for my fanfiction. Thank you much loves ❤


Oh no! I forgot to tell you guys about my first fanfiction "Ice Storm". It is already finished but listen to this. I have just published half of a chapter of my new fanfiction"Captured By His Silence". You must read it only because I think that those of you that read the "Storm and Silence" series, will quite enjoy this one! So please, check it out! Thank you loves! ❤️