Am so sorry guys I know I haven't been updating stories lately but I just started school and it's been taking up my time so much, but hopefully I'll
Be able to update soon.✌
Am so sorry guys I know I haven't been updating stories lately but I just started school and it's been taking up my time so much, but hopefully I'll
Be able to update soon.✌
Update is up, u guys am so excited for u to read it, I worked really hard on it, so go check it out y'all
Love u.
Story updated:
You stole my heart-jelena
Two new updates you guys go check 'em out
Stories updates for today:
My Goofy Bad Boy- Romeo and Juliet
You Stole My Heart- dance lessons
Vote and comment
Love you fam bye
Hey guys I just wanted to inform you that the update for my goofy bad boy is up, things are about to change in daisy's life, go check it out and see what happens
I was tagged by @LoveMahoneMusic
1.I am a Beaster and ballarina
2.I want to go to London.
3.My favorite place is Disneyland
4. If I could eat ice cream everyday I would
5. Favorite song at the moment is cold water by Justin bieber.
1. Write five facts about ur self
2. Tag people to continue the challenge.