
btw just putting it out there that my absence from writing since the beginning of February has nothing to do with interaction! my February has honestly just been jumping from a new fic idea to a college visit to spending my entire month catching up on schoolwork (senior year is no joke) to now being hyperfixated on The Sims for the first time in probably a year!! i don't want any of you to think otherwise based on my last post because i love you all so much <333


btw just putting it out there that my absence from writing since the beginning of February has nothing to do with interaction! my February has honestly just been jumping from a new fic idea to a college visit to spending my entire month catching up on schoolwork (senior year is no joke) to now being hyperfixated on The Sims for the first time in probably a year!! i don't want any of you to think otherwise based on my last post because i love you all so much <333


not sure if this is a fault on my behalf, wattpad's behalf, or you, the readers', behalf, but chapter 14 (or 34 for Peter) of Out of the Woods has been out since last Tuesday!! i noticed that there hasn't been much interaction compared to the chapters leading up to it, so i thought i'd put this out there in case new chapter notifications aren't working <33


my motivation ever since the end of september has just diminished completely and as much as i hate it, i probably won't get another chapter of anything out until november, late october at the best. i apologize for the inconvenience but october has just not been my month lmfao


did i just change Peter's cover for a third time (although it's only slightly different from the second one) because i realized how overwhelming the flames were? yes! do i still somehow like this one more? also yes! lmfao


feel like i make this post once every other month but my motivation just ... disappeared last night??? thought it was just me being tired but no, apparently i'm just conked out :( chapters 9-12 are already revised and scheduled through august 30th, though, so hopefully my motivation comes back by then! <333


also, i recognize that there may be some continuity issues with both my stories (especially Rosemary, that book is my baby but i admit that it's so messy (in my defense, it was the first story i wrote after years of not writing at all)) and i'm currently aiming not to fix them until i finish them! i apologize if this makes them harder to read, but otherwise, i feel that my motivation would completely diminish and i'd never end up finishing them!


just gave Peter a new cover that fits the whole Criminal Minds now! may end up returning to the first cover eventually but i feel like the old one was too happy and Kay-focused (don't remember if i've already stated this but fun fact: her favorite colors are baby blue and pink) but this one focuses on the universe the story takes place in + a nod to Kay's lore <3