
Uploaded Silk & Steel and Ride tonight!!! Hope yall enjoy!


Hey! Just wondering if V.I.L.F would get up and running again? I know that you are busy exploring other things but I wanted to ask out of curiosity ! I hope you are doing well and having an amazing day! 


Hello!! I would love to bring VILF back I just really want to/need to rework it so the fmc isn’t so young but stick to what I had going on! Hope you have an amazing day as well!


Silk & Steel have taken over my mind! Probably going to post chapter two today  on here and on Inkitt! 
          Remember to follow me on Inkitt @ lilladu for Ad free reading unlike wattpad that wants to give out ads after every chapter 


Hello! So I’m slowly but surely getting back into writing aka I have a bunch of WIPS I’m working on lol, but wanted to let y’all know any new works will be uploaded to INKITT where you and I don’t have to worry about adds every 2 chapters! My Inkitt is LillaDu, going to be uploaded all my finish stories this week!