
I’m re-posting this as I hadn’t set it for it to announce to my followed but I am currently in the middle of writing a new book. I’ve named it ‘Beneath the Hollow Sky’ and it’s another post- apocalyptic book. This time, however, it is not based in the TWD universe. But the antagonist is very much based on Negan who, in my opinion, is one of the greatest “villains” on tv. Someone very charming, funny and quick witted which are traits I’ve tried hard to incorporate into my own character whilst still giving him an element of uniqueness too.
          	Please please read! And lmk what you think <3 -M


I’m re-posting this as I hadn’t set it for it to announce to my followed but I am currently in the middle of writing a new book. I’ve named it ‘Beneath the Hollow Sky’ and it’s another post- apocalyptic book. This time, however, it is not based in the TWD universe. But the antagonist is very much based on Negan who, in my opinion, is one of the greatest “villains” on tv. Someone very charming, funny and quick witted which are traits I’ve tried hard to incorporate into my own character whilst still giving him an element of uniqueness too.
          Please please read! And lmk what you think <3 -M


Hello readers, 
          I enjoyed writing my book so much that I’ve decided I want to write a new one, this won’t have any connection to The 5th Wife other than the fact that it will be another Negan fanfic (hehe). I won’t be giving too many spoilers, and I’ve decided that this time I’m going to write the entire book first before publishing it so my readers won’t have to wait years for each chapter lol so it won’t be available to read anytime soon. 
          - M 


Hey guys, 
          I’m so sorry for being MIA again. I’m in my last year of university and I’ll be graduating soon, also I lost my account for a bit but with the help of the wattpad team I managed to get it back. So I’ll be continuing the 5th wife and I WILL finish it for you guys, I’ll be planning the next few chapters so keep your eyes peeled for updates. 
          Thank you for the love and support these past few years you guys, it means the world  


I’m so sorry for your loss thank you for your lovely comment. It means a lot 


@bee-pxsitive I am just happy your back!! I understand the not writing, though; I have had writer's block since my mom passed away recently.  


I am smitten by The 5th Wife just so you KNOW. It’s like Netflix, I can’t just stop at one episode. Anyways keep doing what you’re doing. Lovin it (; 


I’m sorry that I’ve only seen this comment (7 years later ) I’m so grateful for your support and I’m so glad you like my stories. If you still enjoy them please give my new book a go! First four chapters are out now! :) 


@RobinJupiter98 I really love the 5th wife and the fact you added Jason Momoa made it so much better (he is so attractive)  anyways I just wanted to say keep up the good work and can't wait for an update ps I really thought Hualani was gonna have his way with her to add more drama to the story plus to really piss off Negan


@RobinJupiter98 You're welcome I love Rick and all but I'm glad you didn't add the main characters in your book and focused more on Negan and their problems because it becomes more interesting and less predictable so that makes this story awesome


Thank you so much I can’t begin to tell you how much this means to me, also I genuinely appreciate the constructive criticism. Stuff like that really helps my writing progress. Thanks again ❤️❤️