
I wanna know if anyone has read ethereal a taehyung ff where he's a literature professor . it was beautiful to say the least but I can't find it anywhere  


A girl ( of my age ) made me feel insecure by sexualising and objectifying me . She said " you can be the most beautiful person in the room but you cannot be the room not the once jisko Dekh Kar I  gets an  orgasm " ( her exact words) . Firstly this was the most illogical thing I've ever heard from a woman (or anyone) and secondly her views doesn't matter . 
          My reply to her was that I'm only in my teen years and I don't need to look like a s*x goddess ( I don't need to look like that even in my 30s if I'm not comfortable) . And it's high time that women should help other women grow and stop feeding with insecurities. We need to realise that western media is getting in our head,  we don't need to be sexually liberated in our early teens . And any human is not a toy that needs to give people org*sam just by looking at them . This is ridiculous. Idk how people have the guts to say this .
          Idk if I'm over reacting but sexualising anyone is not cool or funny or it doesn't make you a woke person . 
          She even says that reading ff is childish and watching porn is cool and I need to grow up and read Smut . That kpop is not so manly with monolid  but the western pop is manly  and the victoria secret models, Billie Ellish and Olivia Rodrigo are the epitome of beauty and she sometimes compares me to them and make me feel like sh*t . 
          ( I needed to vent my  frustration ) 


@bee_ts  Don't get affected by these kind of comments and opinions others give. Just ignore them for the best. 


@bee_ts  Yo what the hell has got into her head? And you have replied correctly to her opinion Bae, cuz that's just- I donno what to say. We need not to look like a sex goddess. And everything in life doesn't revolve around sex. It's fine to be normal and what the heck gives her rights to objectify and sexualized others?
            She has really got some influence from Western media as you said, so can't help her even if we try making her understand. So just ignore her and let her understand it when the time comes


Yooooo girl


@Jungkooksthighs65  (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


@bee_ts u too (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )


I thought you deleted your account. I recognised you by your profile pic. It's a cute username ♡


@bee_jk  Yeah, I agree. People who use their own names are rare. It's cute...♡


@JeonJungkook3199  I would never delete my account . I love fan fictions way too much to do this 
            I changed my username because I noticed that most of the people don't use their real names on wattpad and also it maintains secrecy . (I like the name  "Bee" ) 


Hey, how are you doing?


@bee_jk yeah, I'll message you on twitter. ♡


@JeonJungkook3199  Sure . But msg me either privately on Wattpad or Twitter . Because these  "conversation section" messages can be seen by everyone


@bee_jk I'm doing just fine as well. Studies have taken a toll on me. I was going to study just now as well. I'll have some time to talk to you tomorrow after coming back from college. Don't worry ♡


Hey, Pri! You alive after musters?


@bee_jk I come back at about 11:30. You can message me around 3.p.m. I'll be free at that time (hopefully) ♡


@JeonJungkook3199 ofcourse . When do you come back from college btw ?