Hey! Your book 'And there were five' is pretty cool and i'm not really a fan of 1D. I'm into music from the 70s and 80s - Queen all the way! Anyways, you wrote you had alot of ideas when it comes to writing and I have the same problem, do you have any idea how to work through those ideas? Cause I start a new project and then I screw up. Well, thanks for your time!

@BMHoor wow! so sorry that it's been to long, and you're probably not even on here anymore, but I have lot to say to this: 1. it's been nearly 2 years since I wrote that story. maybe slightly more. here's what I've learned from writing it: planning is key! so is brainstorming! so, like, scribble all of your ideas on a white board or a notebook or something like that. after that, plan how you want things to occur chronologically. 2. always have good character development! character sketches and even visual representations of your characters are a fantastic asset to writing a fabulous plot! 3. don't stop writing! even if you have to force yourself to write something daily, do that! it'll keep your brain juices flowing, and it'll keep thoughts constantly hitting paper, even if your ideas seem terrible at first! 4. here's what I've learned with fanfiction writing in general: if you leave it for a year, two years, even 5 years, and come back to it, you may be able to fix it and continue writing on it! fanfiction is really based on cultural movements of that time just as much as it is the real life or fiction characters you base your stories on! culture changes daily, and the way you wrote, or the ideals that you portrayed in your writing may be drastically different than how they are now! wow, so basically this went from me answering your question on how to work through ideas to how to develop your writing! shame on me, ha! but no matter, I hope you find some use for this, and hopefully I'll be able to read some awesome writing in the future!