
Thank you so much for reading and voting on 'Sacrificed to the Beast'. I really hope you are enjoying it! I have shorter stories on my page if you are looking for something to read. If you enjoy 'Sacrificed to the Beast' or any of my other stories, consider following me for more of the like!
          Thank you!


Thank you so much!!! I was very happy this morning to see your reading list add and votes of Lord Vane!!  I appreciate it. Have a great day!! 


@LuckyPlum youre very welcome. Thanks for the amazing read!! And you are a fantastic artist!! My Roxy girl is almost 11 now. Shes been my baby for a long time. They are amazing dogs!


I saw your picture- I have a tri color corgi :) we used to have a red&white too until he passed from old age. Sweetest dogs ever! Thanks for the follow! 